One of the most spectacular meteor showers of the year, the Geminids, will peak on the night of December 13-14. The radiant point of the shower, the bright star Castor in the constellation Gemini, will be highest in the sky around 2 a.m.

Quadrantids, described by NASA as one of the best annual meteor showers, has been active since 28th December and will last till January 12, peaking on the night between 3rd – 4th. Unlike most meteor showers which originate from comets, this one originates from an asteroid, named 2003 EH1.

At their peak, a sky watcher under dark, clear skies may see 10 to 15 meteors per hour falling at an average velocity of 30 miles per second. No matter where you are on Earth, the best time to watch is typically between midnight and dawn.

Originating from Halley’s Comet, the Eta Aquarids meteor shower happens as Earth passes through the comet’s orbital path. It is usually active between April 19 and May 28 every year.

The Perseids is a major meteor shower which is one of the brightest meteor showers of the year. Perseids occur from 17th July to 24th August every year. This year, the peak of the Perseids is from the night of 12th August to the dawn of 13th August, which is best viewed after midnight.

The Orionids meteor shower, which began on 2nd October reaches its peak on the 21st of October just after midnight.

Leonids emerge from the Comet Tempel-Tuttle, which requires 33 years to revolve once around the sun. The Leonids originate from the constellation Leo, the lion, and hence, it has got its name as Leonid Meteor Shower.

The Earthlings have the chance of witnessing a greenish, dirty ball of snow roaming through the space. The Comet C/2021 A1 is named “Leonard” by the name of its observer Gregory Leonard of the Mount Lemmon infrared observatory. Leonard is on its show for the viewers of the Northern hemisphere and would be available for the spectators of the south in later December and January. It made its closest approach to the Earth on 12th December and will be approaching its perihelion on the 3rd of January 2022.